Main Page Lighthouses Pictures from Iceland - Lighthouses
Grótta Lighthouse - (c) Jim Miller /
Grótta Lighthouse

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Notes about this image

Lighthouse near Bolungarvík - (c) Jim Miller /

Photographer's Notes: Grótta Lighthouse

One of the most visually pleasing lighthouses in Iceland, this one is located just a few minutes from the downtown/walking mall area. It is unique in that you can walk across to get a close-up look at the light, but only at low tide and care must be used to make sure you get back to the proper side before the tide comes back up or your visit will last considerably longer than you expected.

Technical Notes: This was shot relatively early in the morning in May 2003. Earlier light probably would have been better, but I was relatively happy with the result. No notes on film, but I think by this point I had shifted over to Fuji Superia 100. Definitely was not slide film.
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