Main Page Animals and Birds Pictures from Iceland - Animals and Birds
Redshank (Tringa totanus) - (c) Jim Miller /
Redshank - Tringa totanus
Southwestern Iceland

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Notes about this image

Redshank (Tringa totanus) - (c) Jim Miller /

Photographer's Notes: Redshank

This image created a massive shift in my photographic endeavors. I did not do very many birds to this point, and those that I did I didn't do well. This shot was very much an accident. But it showed me how pretty birds can be when narrowing the depth of field to highlight the subject and minimize everything else. It helped that the bokeh from the 300mm f4 L IS made the image as tasty as it did.

Technical Notes: Camera was the Canon EOS 10D with the aforementioned 300mm f4 L IS. Time of day was 4PM in early June. It was shot from my four-wheeled blind that has a big blue oval on the front.
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